Welcome to my little corner of the interwebs. I'm Francesca (I also go by Frenchie). I'm a writer, crafter, DIYer, photographer, and general explorer of the world. I aim to always be wholehearted, and to be present in this glorious, happy, magical moment. Wherever and whenever that may be. I like making pretty things, and I like sharing those things with people.
It's so nice to meet you!
For more about me, click here.
For my freelance writing samples, right here!
For my etsy shop, wherein you will find all manner of handmade awesomeness for your factory made gadgets, right here.
For a very cool crafty knitting project, clickity click!
One of my favorite things is a really good quote. Here are two of my favorite favorite things:
"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap."
Cynthia Heimel
And the one I keep at hand to remind me to always have fun, and play:
"Between safety and adventure, I choose adventure."
Craig Ferguson
Thanks so much for stopping by! Here's to days full of sunshine, adventure, laughter, and love! xoooo (<--quadruple a="" href="http://www.freehugscampaign.org/" the="">hugs