1. I love chocolate
2. Every kind – except for chocolate milk, which is weird, ‘cause I LOVE hot chocolate.
3. I want a Vespa – doesn’t necessarily have to be a Vespa, I just want a pink motorized scooter. And within the next three years, I intend to have one.
4. My top five dream trips are: Australia/New Zealand (counting ‘em as one), the U.K., road-trippin’ the entire United States, Southern Chile (as in, the Carretera Austral, and the part where it melds with Antartica), and Puerto Rico (this one being the trip of pure relaxation, lazing on a beach, vegging, eating and tanning).
5. I intend to take these trips within the next 5 years.
6. I’d like to go to as many new places as the years that I’ve lived (totally ripping this idea off of splityarn #33 {along with this list idea!} but it’s awesome, and I love it!)
7. So far I’m about halfway there.
8. I’m a klutz.
9. And I bruise easily.
10. Which is not a good combination.
11. My dog’s breath is the worst thing you’ve ever smelled in your life,
12. And he’s really cute, so I haven’t called him on it.
13. I’m taking an Improv class,
14. Something I NEVER would have done six months ago.
15. I believe that something that scares you, and challenges you, is probably exactly what you need to be doing (hence the improv)
16. I hate artsy-fartsy people,
17. And yet I suspect I’m one of them.
18. I love stepping on dry leaves –
19. Though a friend temporarily turned me off of this after she told me a story of cockroaches climbing out of a pile of dead leaves she’d just jumped in as a kid.
20. I hate the word ubiquitous
21. Because I think it’s pretentious,
22. And I REALLY hate pretentiousness.
23. I have a wonky eye (the left one) and it tends to do it’s own thing from time to time.
24. I can absolutely – and unabashedly – say that Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way changed my life.
25. I love the word ‘unabashedly’.
26. My ipod is one of the second generation ones, and as much as I’d like a new one, it just won’t quit! (Plus, I’m broke.)
27. I’m broke.
28. And by year’s end, I intend NOT to be. Anymore.
29. Ever again.
30. My birthday is July 29th.
31. And I don’t just celebrate the day, or the week. For me, it’s a birthday month.
32. I have a life list—#11
33. –Of all those crazy and awesome things I want to accomplish throughout my life, and every birthday, I make sure to cross one of the biggies off.
34. The last few birthdays I’ve accomplished: #11 – Seeing “Written By Francesca Franco” in print (and on my birthday!), #48 – Swimming with dolphins, #51 – Flying a plane, and this year, #54 – Ride in a hot air balloon.
35. I hate the color orange.
36. And teal.
37. My elementary school color was teal.
38. I have absolutely no affinity or loyalty to my local sports teams.
39. I love 1950’s style dresses.
40. And 1930’s style hair.
41. And ‘40’s and ‘50’s hair too.
42. I think we should start wearing hats again. Like they did back then.
43. I didn’t discover Monty Python until I saw Spamalot.
44. I totally believe Douglas Adams that the number 42 is the answer to Life, the Universe, Everything.
45. I love Harry Potter
46. And I mean LOVE!
47. I’ve read each book at least twice.
48. At least.
49. I’m taking a picture a day – or trying to anyway! – In order to …well, check it out for yourself: Project 365
50. I’ve never sung karaoke
51. Partly because I have some very bad karaoke karma coming at me,
52. And partly because I’ve been too chicken-sh*t.
53. As per #15, I see karaoke in my future.
54. I can’t sing.
55. Or play any musical instrument.
56. Trust me on this. I’ve had four very good teachers/friends/boyfriends/guitar players try to teach me the guitar, and all I’ve retained are the first 15 notes of Nirvana’s Come As You Are, which is the first thing I ever learned to play. EVER.
57. I’m not athletic.
58. Or sporty.
59. At ALL.
60. My few, grade school encounters with organized sports all culminated in me, getting hit in the face with a ball
61. I HATE hot weather.
62. And yet I live in Miani.
63. I think our society is going to hell in a very disposable hand basket.
64. And I think our values (money) as a society (money) are all frakked up.
65. I watch Battlestar Galactica.
66. Though I’m not sure if I actually LIKE it.
67. But once I commit to a show, no matter how much the show pisses me off (can I say that?) I stick to it and watch it to the end.
68. Thus, I’ve seen every episode of Lost.
69. Even though, about 85% of the time, I don’t like it.
70. I love Christmas.
71. And will get embarrassing about my love for Christmas.
72. I love Friday the 13th – the day, not the movie – because I think it’s lucky.
73. I bake awesome, from-scratch chocolate chip cookies.
74. And I make a mean lasagna –
75. –Which I pronounce, la—saw—GGGG—na.
76. I love Monopoly – all 6+ hours of it.
77. And can play all the way to the end.
78. I have yet to find anyone else willing to go for all 6+ hours of it.
79. I suspect that when I do, they might be my soul mate.
80. I believe in soul mates.
81. And karma.
82. I trash talk when I play games.
83. The latest video game system I own is a Super Nintendo.
84. Which I bought a few years ago, at a thrift store.
85. Along with an original NES.
86. My favorite video game is Ms. Pac-Man – though I’ll settle for regular Pac-Man when the Ms. is unavailable.
87. I’m good at Tetris.
88. My favorite card game is Spoons. (Seriously, wikipedia it, and try it. It’s awesome. Violent, suspenseful, and insanely easy to play. Everything a card game should be, but too often isn’t.)
89. I admire people who aren’t afraid to look foolish.
90. I think shamelessness is a virtue.
91. I love old records.
92. And the kitschier and tackier something is, the better.
93. My favorite Old/Classic Hollywood actress is Carole Lombard.
94. I LOVE old movies.
95. I drool, excessively, when I sleep.
96. And my wonky eye tends to stay a smidge open when I sleep too.
97. Thus making me an extremely attractive sleeper.
98. I read.
99. A LOT.
100. And I heart TV.
101. My favorite store is H&M.
102. And my favorite city is New York City.
103. For the past 10 years I’ve been trying to grow my hair out, but as soon as it gets to a decent length, I get bored of it and chop it all to about chin-length.
104. It’s now past my shoulders.
105. Not for long!
106. I don’t have a myspace page.
107. Nor do I want one.
108. Because I think it’s just high school, but online.
109. I didn’t hate high school though.
110. Middle school/Jr. High is the one I hated.
111. Because I got teased a lot.
112. Kids called me “Melony” because they said I had a big melon.
113. Which I do.
114. One of my dreams is to own a café.
115. I can recite the entire introduction to Quantum Leap. ("Theorizing that one can time travel within their own lifetime, Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator, and vanished...")
116. Which was my co-favorite show when I was little—
117. –along with MacGuyver.
118. My first concert ever, was the New Kids on the Block.
119. I worked at the Miami Metrozoo for a week
120. The highlight of that week was feeding giraffes right out of my hand.
121. I once took a three-week camping trip.
122. And subsequently hate camping.
123. But, given the right circumstance, I’d be willing to try it again.
124. I’ve only been skiing once – when I was 12, and I never actually got on skis, I was stuck in the lodge, waiting for my uncle and cousins to come back.
125. I’ve never been in a snowball fight.
126. My favorite ice cream flavor is Gold Medal Ribbon from Baskin Robbins (Chocolate and vanilla ice cream swirled together with caramel.)
127. I don’t understand why caramel, once pronounced “care-A-mel” is now being pronounced “car-mel”. What about that ‘a’ in the middle?
128. When I was little, my mom found a banana flavored cough syrup, which was as disgusting as you’d imagine it’d be.
129. And which I’ve never seen since.
130. I tend to name things. Notebooks, computers, stuffed animals (well, that one’s obvious), cars, etc. And anthropomorphize them.
131. I’m introducing ‘anthropomorphize’ to my vocabulary.
132. Vocabulary, meet ‘anthropomorphize’