"Scatter joy...
There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior,
like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
That quote up there says a lot about who I am, and what I believe: I believe in kindness and connection, in fun, and not stressing over stuff. I believe in honesty. I believe that confidence in yourself gets you farther than anything, and that being open to life is one of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon yourself. I believe that "life, it turns out, is not a struggle; it's a wiggle." (Peter McWilliams said that!) I believe in happiness and enthusiasm, and positivity, and, in short? I believe in scattering joy!
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From Everything Lovely. |
"Only connect...
Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer. Only connect, and the beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die."
--E.M Forster
I love to write. I love to dig down deep and find the truth of what I have to say. Of what I'm feeling. I love making people laugh, and feel good, simply through the words that I use, the words that I write, the way I present them, and the way I put them together.
When I was in high school (and into college as well), I created a 'zine. Before this, I didn't really understand writing. I'd always been a voracious reader, but writing? Maybe it was the terrible English teachers I had in high school, coupled with the raging hormones and insecurities --who knows. Whatever it was, in my mind, there was a disconnect, between writing, and the words, the stories, that I read, and loved.
And then the 'zine. Silly, fun, a couple of girls sitting around making each other laugh -- from the very first moment I sat down to write this 'zine, I got it. I understood the magic, and sheer fun, of writing.
I tell you this so you'll understand where I'm coming from, so you'll see my story, and my truth.
I learned what it was like to connect with people, through writing. To "connect the prose and the passion." And ever since then, that's all I've wanted to do. In whatever way, whatever form I can. Through words.
That's me. :)
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Also from Everything Lovely! |
Other stuff about me/stuff I do...
I very occasionally make music videos. To clarify: when there's a YouTube contest, from one of my favorite bands, then I make music videos. Like this one...
For which, by the by, I won an iPod NaNo! :D
And finally...
I like love quotes. Ahem:
These are but wild and whirling words...
--William Shakespeare
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.
--Sylvia Plath
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.
--William Wordsworth
There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and
acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.
--Cynthia Heimel
Scatter joy.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
From If You Want To Write, by Brenda Ueland:
Gradually by writing you will learn more and more to be free, to say all you think; and at the same time you will learn never to lie to yourself, never to pretend and attitudinize. But only by writing and by long, patient, serious work will you find your true self. Any why find it? Because it is, I think, your immortal soul and the life of the Spirit, and if we can only free it and respect it and not run it down, and let it move and work, it is the way to be happier and greater. But remember always that the true self is never a fixed thing. You can never say: “Good. Today I find at last what I am really like: splendid type!” You cannot say that because the true self is always in motion like music, a river of life, changing, moving, failing, suffering, learning, shining. That is why you must freely and recklessly make new mistakes – in writing or in life – and do not fret about them but pass on and write more. Active evil is so much better than passive good, which is just docility, feebleness, timidity. And do not try to be consistent, for what is true to you today may not be true at all tomorrow, because you see a better truth.
"At that very moment, time stopped - as it is wont to do, when past, present and future collide. When one’s existence ceases to be measure in days, hours, and minutes, but instead, in the immeasurable quantity of life events. For Lily and Vivian Charles, the reappearance of a daughter and niece was a life event that would eventually overshadow a thirty-year-old betrayal, and result in a splash of water, the roar of the crowd, and a whirlwind tour around the world. Twice. Private investigator Emerson Cod would experience a life event when life found him through the pages of a pop up book, and he was reunited with his own Lil’ Gum Shoe. Knock, knock. “I’m looking for Emerson Cod?” Jockey cum waitress cum private investigator Olive Snook would experience two life events in quick succession: The first, opening her heart to a formerly friendless taxidermist, and the second, by opening a culinary palace dedicated to the art of macaroni and cheese, called, The Intrepid Cow. For the Pie Maker and a dead girl named Chuck, their shared life event began with a touch, and became the promise of a new family brought about by the words, “I’m alive,” (said by Chuck). At that moment, in the town of Couer d’Couer, events occurred that are not, were not, and should never be considered an ending. For endings, as it is known, are where we begin.
For a chat, for more info, if you'd like me to help you write something (or you'd like to pay me to write you something!), for a question, or for a recipe idea, drop me a line!
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Sometimes, rolling around in the grass is EXACTLY what you need! |
I'm wishing you loads of happy days, warm sunshine, and lovely connections. Always.